Indigenous » Supports


The Gathering Place
The Gathering Place is a comfortable place for our youth to find support in all directions from our Indigenous Ed Workers; Crystal Faryna, Anita Gray and Caralyn Hoffman                                                                              Raven House 2.jpg
Our Carving:  The Raven is a teacher and guides us to learn what we need to in this journey. Grandfather Sun keeps us warm and brings life to all every single day. Our youth are the future and we must guide them, teach them, share with them and also learn from them for a brighter future ahead. Indigenous Education does our best to keep our youth warm and taking care of them in this journey of life. All students are welcome.

Mrs. Crystal Faryna  250 962-9271 ext: 1205
Mrs. Anita Gray  250-962-9271  ext:1208 
Mrs. Caralyn Hoffman  250-962-9271  ext:1207

Grad Coaches
Our Grad Coach provides multi-year support and guidance to students on their journey from Grade 8 to graduation. The Indigenous Graduation Coach Program focuses on the following six areas: Relationships & Mentoring, Transitions, Culture, Academics, Career Planning and Family Engagement. The focus of the Grad Coach is to increase Indigenous graduation rates. Additional goals of the program include: Improve Indigenous student attendance, course grades, and credit attainment; identify factors contributing to drop out rates; identify and create plans to overcome graduation barriers; improve transitions from high school to post-secondary/workforce; facilitate high school and post-secondary planning; and create a graduation team of support for the students.
Ms. Mary Lawrence 250-962-9271